INTERVIEW / Veranoa Hetet - Nuku Women
Interview with Veranoa Hetet by Qiane Matata-Sipu, founder of
The doors to our virtual wānanga opened in January 2015 so you can access quality teaching from the comfort of your own space, wherever you are in the world.
We are privately operated and non-government funded because we seek to maintain our mana motuhake so we can more effectively uphold the tino rangatiratanga and tikanga of Te Whare Pora.
Your course fees help to make all of this possible. Kia ora!
We are privately operated and non-government funded because we seek to maintain our mana motuhake so we can more effectively uphold the tino rangatiratanga and tikanga of Te Whare Pora.
Your course fees help to make all of this possible. Kia ora!
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Who we are
The Hetet whānau have a reputation for excellence in the practise and teaching of traditional Māori visual arts.
Our mission is to help whānau Māori reclaim this mātauranga for themselves and their uri.
We do this by providing an outstanding online learning experience within a supportive whānau of learners following a structured and proven path of learning called The Matrix® developed by Erenora Puketapu-Hetet and her daughter Veranoa.
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Get in touch
Our team works remotely from Waiwhetu in Te Ika a Maui and Otautahi in Te Waipounamu.
Our postal address is:
C/- Active Chartered AccountantsLevel 1/8 Raroa Road,
Hutt Central, Lower Hutt 5010
OR email us at: -
+64 21 2733278
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10-4We close weekends and public holidays for whānau time.
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Copyright © Hetet School of Māori Art Limited 2025